No. 43 Betrayal & Trust

Saturday, March 16, 2024

 Hi guys, I may be not writing for anyone anyways - and even though I've stopped for years. I realize I really need that outlet to let my voice out. and maybe this is just my way to be heard by the people that I wish could stop and just listen to what I have to say. 

I've met many people in life and I've had my fair share of betrayals experience or simply broken trusts moment. From the person who could lie to my face and yet at the same time told me he developed a feeling towards some one else in just 1 night of meeting, 110% disregarded my feelings. To someone who showed interest but in the end to let me know "We are not going there" to a person who lied and found prostitute behind my back... I guess like people say you really grew with every experience. 

As much as the trauma is there and you would occasionally be very vigilant, aware of the tiny changes and possibilites, and signs, I guess that these experiences are also teaching me how to let go and forgive?

I met someone whom I wish I could be with forever in all honesty. But I have to admit, we know some days, it's so hard. I guess that's when people say, love is a choice and a commitment. You really need to CHOOSE the person everyday... every time you want to give up, every single time.

可是我还是一直问自己 怎么我能因为一件事这么纠结。 虽然事情可能看起来并不是什么很大 也并至于偷情、出轨、或我一直觉得的Emotional Cheating. 但我怎么仔细的想 我的不被聆听和心痛的背后还是有哪一把“被背叛”的刀。 对,我总以你的意见 告诉我自己 这些都不是什么重要的事。 但我发现到 其实要去原谅的背后 我必须承认 其实我心里的那刀割 是重要的。其实我已经被你背叛了三次 不至于精神出轨或什么 但那几件事还是 打败了我信任你的那一道墙。不是不能原谅 或 看不开 但我觉得 我可能需要的时间 比我想象中的更长。我现在才发现到也有可能这伤需要一生的疗愈合成长。

为什么我能很明确地说 是一把背叛的三把刀呢?
1. 欺骗 故意隐瞒事实 用谎言创造的故事 虽然看起来则是件小事 并没有做什么对不起我的事但是 这说明了你宁愿不顾路我的感受 和知道这很有可能破坏我对你的信任 你都愿意去Risk 为了你所谓的友情。 我一直以来相信的是 如果没事 没有任何兴趣等 其实根本不需要 去隐瞒 。 有什么好隐瞒, 装是非。

2. 说了那句 暧昧的话题 撩人的语言 和送的爱心 亲密程度加深 怎么可能则是开个玩笑。玩笑有底线,而且根本没有人会在不喜欢,根本没兴趣,或觉得好玩 好培养感情的人 对他人开玩笑。就比如说, 你若跟一个老师不是很认识 或 朋友 你会乱开玩笑吗。 还要是开那种玩笑,在一个双方都有情侣的情况之下 你难道不尊重别人的男朋友?难道一个男的和我开这个玩笑,你会觉得那个男的玩玩而已?没想打他?我不信 一点都不好笑 若一个男的这么对我 我从来不会觉得他好笑 而觉得 他对我感兴趣 或则是一个根本不懂得尊重我有男朋友、尊重我的感受 我到现在还洗不掉那些被测掉的字 牢牢记在我心中。 最CB的是你忘得掉 我却每一个字都记得清清楚楚

3. 则是以朋友态度来追IG 不是什么大不了。 第一你已经在很久以前把她删了 从不让她追踪,怎么跟我吵了个架就特别 想要去看她的IG。 就算是与报复的心态 你觉得这不是背板吗? 难道我分手了 或则 吵架了 我就必须加回来 那些你不喜欢的人 来刺激你?反正他们原本也是我的朋友 也是有些是我曾今喜欢过的人 难道我需要这样去伤害你?你若没兴趣看 知道 或多了解她人的私人生活 怎么会去做一个明知道会伤我心的事。背叛了我的感受呢?我的感受对你难道不重要吗?这些都往往让我容易沉入不安 我可以相信以后不会再有那个冲动或则分手了 也不会加她IG等等吗?跟我前任 已分手 就加回他的前任诉苦等有分别吗?

No. 43 - Till We Meet Again Movie Review

Saturday, March 16, 2024


The other day I came across this song, and immediately remembered I should go and watch this show. I saw some reviews saying it's pretty good, many people cried etc. But I certainly did not expect I would be so emotional over the movie. When I first heard the song and watched the trailer, the movie intrigued me. It was certainly something unique, and as a person who was super in love with the afterlife and god myths, traditional culture, superstitions and stuff, the gist of the movie was super exciting for me. What I thought would just be a simple Taiwan Romantic Comedy movie like any other, chase a girl many years, date, something happen, happy ending, the end, that movie that would give you butterflies like your first crush in high school kind of feeling. Boy, I was so wrong. I cried like a freaking baby throughout the movie. Not at one scene but at least 5 scenes. I am not even a person who would often cry but I felt so so so much with this movie. Up till today (which has been 3 weeks or so since the movie) I still feel like crying when I hear the song. 

In summary, the movie gave me so much feeling because of the lessons it bought. First and foremost of course is appreciating the people around you, especially when you do not know what comes tomorrow. The main actor chased the girl for years, more than a decade and just to be together, end up dying. it also taught us that some things are fated and there's nothing you could do to control it. Who could control him and prevent him from getting the lightning struck? Plus, the main lead actress due to the lighting struck lost one of her legs. It shows that anything can happen in life within just a split second. You will not know what will happen the next second as much as we have planned for the future.

Not only that, the second girl lead 'Pink hair girl' was just living her life and yet she was unlucky, fell in love with an asshole who would murder her for money. She was so young... and it also showed us that the world can be so cruel, so evil, and you will never know who to fully trust. In real life, don't even say boyfriend, recent cases with parents killing their own child also happened. 

The movie also brought in the true Karma effect in life. This is something that I have been instilled in me since young. I believe many Asian households have similar beliefs. We tend to believe that in life there's karma. The more good deeds you do, the more good in life you receive whether in the world or in after life. In the movie, this was brought out many many times. Even till the end, it showed that sometimes, we do only a little tiny gesture, and it could mean a lot to one tiny creature in this world.


{NO.41 - Para11el Tumbler Love Series ❤︎ HEARt + RM15 Off}

Sunday, January 14, 2018

❤︎ Love Series - HEARt ❤︎

Hi readers! I am back with another tumbler post! Remember the pretty looking Christmas tumbler that I shared on Post No.38? Well, Para11el has launched a new series of tumbler for the upcoming Valentines Day! Forget couple t-shirts, couple bracelets etc. If you are looking for a gift this Valentines, get your love ones a heartwarming tumbler! 
This love series entitled HEARt emphasizes the 'HEAR' - communication in relationship. This series comes in two colors Green & Pink. As you all already know from the previous post, every Para11el tumblers are designed with love and shares a special message which aims to deliver the warmth within to their customers. The HEARt tumblers talks about all kinds of love out there, be it lover, family, friends or even pets! Inspired by the key principle of all relationships, communication - we speak, share, and listen to our love ones. The design of the tumbler emphasizes on embracing the ones we love, not only holding them close to our hearts but also understanding each other from the deepest bottom of the heart. This Valentines Day, Para11el aims to celebrate all kinds of love, simply because LOVE is LOVE💓

HEARt - Green

HEARt - Pink

 So, what are you waiting for?! Head on to Para11el's Website to shop now! Also, check out their Instagram !

Lastly, don't forget to key in PROMO CODE: LYNNWONG upon checkout to receive RM15 off your purchase!


{# NO. 40 - Phillipine Movies I've Been Watching - Reviews}

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Hello everyone! Hope you all have been having a great weekend. This week was a heck of settling back into university life. Countdown to a week to think if I am really going to stay through it all. I think at this point, I have already made up my mind... My life is moving forward to so much bigger and better journey. I am excited for what is in store for me.

This week, I am quite guilty for not focusing fully on my work. Spent my time drawing and watching new movies. Hence, here come 3 Pinoy Movies I have watched this week. I don't know how many people actually watch Philippine movies. Most of the story line are pretty cliche. BUT! I have to say none has failed to make me cry. I think its the heartwarming part of the movies, the real and raw parts that hits straight to your feelings. Or MAYBE, I am just becoming more and more of a crybaby ever since I learned to cry. Haha. 

Specially for these reviews, I won't be able to give any star ratings and I would just write what I feel about the movies. I would say they all are about 6.5/10 Stars.

Movie 1: Loving in Tandem (2017)

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Synopsis: *copied from StarCinema's website*

"Loving In Tandem" follows the story of Shine (Maymay Entrata), a positive and determined girl who will do everything for her family. She meets the balikbayan Luke (Edward Barber) in the most unusual circumstance and later on finds herself experiencing various stages of love – as they get closer.
With a bit of a language barrier getting in the way (or not, really), the two accidentally put themselves in an awkward (but nonetheless, kilig!) situation when Luke announced in their entire barangay that Shine is his “JOWA.”
 Will the language of their hearts triumph over whatever differences Shine and Luke have? How will they change each other’s lives?

Review: In my opinion, first of all, I like how its not the typical super hot/pretty girl in a movie but she just looks normal like most of us. Not to say that she isn't pretty, but you know how some movie stars just have a different vibe? Then everyone just swoons over their beauty and they are like the most famous or most liked female character throughout the movie chased by many. This female lead is just a normal girl that you see in town, helping around, doing normal jobs. 

I have to give credits to the story line. I like how it portrays the hardship in our life. How we work so hard to satisfy and make the people we love happy that often time we overlook ourselves. This movie is not your typical romantic comedy movie but it talks about friendship, love, and family. I love how the whole town would help each other out especially in times of hardship. The whole movie just speaks of HOME. Which in my opinion, many would not grasp the idea what a home is.

 This movie also talks about all the sacrifices we are willing to make for our love ones. Spoiler alert, this young lady sacrificed her self just to save her nephew. It also shows how we always have that one family member who are not responsible. It shows that we should chase for our dreams and how we should never give up. We shouldn't lay around at home, doing useless things, but actually doing something useful.

I think the most important part of this movie is family. We can lose the ones we love so much. At times, guilt creeps up on us when we made the wrong choice and sacrifices. Also wounds that are rooted deep in the heart cannot be healed immediately. For example, Luke hated how his mum left him for his step siblings, for years. No matter how the mother tried to reconcile their relationship, he HATED her. But, again, this movie taught us that, sometimes, things are not what they seem. It was only towards the end that Luke realized the reason of why his mum left him. It wasn't that she didn't love him, but its actually how mother's love cannot be given to only one child. It has to be for all and every kids. His stepbrother was sick, so she had to leave Luke to take care of her other child. This part made me cry so hard. Haha. 

In summary, this movie focused on the meaning of home, love, family. Sacrifices that we make for the ones we love until we forgot the self love. Forget about how we need to make ourselves happy too. 

Movie 2: Can't Help Falling in Love (2017)

Synopsis: In the shortest explanation and the first thing I found as I googled the synopsis for this movie is - 2 STRANGERS GOT MARRIED, LEGALLY ON PAPER. To make it more complicated (as how movie goes) the girl has a partner and her partner proposed to her. Even more complicated? The people who were there to witness the marriage died of accident. Hence, harder way out to nullify the marriage.
Image result for can't help falling in love movieReview: First things first, THIS MOVIE DO NOT MAKE SENSE. Haha. I have to admit that the plot is kind of crazy. How they got married while they were drunk in a club and they claimed it was love. Secondly, ah this song 'Can't Help Falling in Love' will not fail to remind me of someone. Haih. Back to the movie, despite its nonsensical plot, I like how the movie taught us about what it is like to love someone who supports you and your dreams. The girl's initial boyfriend was great, but you could see how he always has a say in the things he does, he never really considered her opinions, her thoughts, her feelings. This movie also possibly taught me that, 10 years or no matter how many years of relationship doesn't really mean anything. But it is the moment we spent with someone, how we feel, makes the most out of the relationship. I think we all know this, sometimes 10 years of friendship cannot beat that 10 minutes new friendship you have just made and how you just click with someone. I have to say it was a pretty nice rom-com movie. Oh! Another lesson, DO NOT GET DRUNK AND GET MARRIED. PLEASE TAKE CARE.

Movie 3: Barcelona: A Love Untold (2016 - Blockbuster)

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Synopsis: Copying from IMDB, this movie talks about a young man who's learning to move on from his past love and a girl running away from home to find her purpose in life and mend her mistakes. A fun fact, the lead actor and actress for this movie is same as the movie above. 

Review: This movie I would say runs deep into the heart. It talks about grief, sacrifices, achieving our dreams, trying to fulfill dreams of others, lost of love ones, betrayal.... the list goes on and on. One phrase I would like to quote on this movie said by the main lead actress: 

"You don't have to love me just because I love you, but love me because you love me."
As she said that, she left and returned to homeland. This movie talks about love in a mature way. I like how this movie teaches a purpose in life, to move on from grief, and to chase your dreams. Do what you are good at. Most importantly, DO NOT CHEAT ON EXAMS. Oh yeah! I have to remember how this movie talks about how grades was seen so important to the society. But, not many realize that when they put such high expectations to their children, are your kids happy? For example this girl, flew all the way to Barcelona just to fulfill her dad's expectation of her because she failed. She was considered a disgrace as she cheated on her exam. Not to condone cheating as a good behavior, but she was so afraid of failing as after a week of sleepless nights studying, her mind went blank like a piece of white paper. Due to being afraid of failing and getting shit from her dad, for not being as good as her elder sister, she chose to cheat to save her life. This is the fear that I am sure we see around our society. Especially Asian parents. How many times we have seen in the news about a young girl or boy suicide because they are to afraid of failure, not meeting the expectations of their parents. Not making their parents proud. I am an example of this, there were times where I was super stressed out just for grades. I still am. But I am glad that I have the grit, the help from counsellors etc to pull me through. I have people that tell me "it is ok to fail once in awhile". My expectations and pressure partly comes from within, from myself, but for some, the pressure comes from others and those are the ones who needs the most help. Therefore, grades do not dictate your life. This main lead, was so much more happier and successful in doing the things she is good at. As much hardworking she is, she works better in the things she is good at and loves. 

Same goes to the guy, many wants him to be an architecture. He can draw. But hey, he was so good in animation. His animation was brought to life and touched people's heart. See, when we stop someone from doing something they love and good at, the best you could get will only be average work. Many people I know are also like this guy, doing things that people say they are good at, they should do that, not many would choose to do the things they love. They don't see that they can do both. They fail to see the balance in life. He reminds me of a boy I know who I see talent and passion in gaming, his hobby. But he wouldn't pursue it, because he was told not to, and slowly, he believed in it. Believe that his passion and hobby wouldn't make a living, believe that he isn't as good, believe that he couldn't make it. But from my point of view, I find that if he had found the balance in life, he could do it. Life is a risk, there's a 50-50% chance to everything that we do. If he had found the balance, he could be great in his job and his dreams. His dreams may fail, but he would still have a stable job. See, the balance? You will never entirely fail in something, unless you give up or you just don't work for it. Don't you think so? As an outsider, I wish he had the courage to chase after something he love, something he believes in, something he likes, not only the plans made by others. But, I can only advice, pray, and hope. To many others and even to myself, I hope we all have that courage to never stop pursuing our dreams. 


{# NO.39 - Movie Review: JUMANJI}

Saturday, January 06, 2018

Hey hey! It's been awhile since I last updated. First of all, Happy New Year to everyone! It's 2018 guys, time flies! *phew* Anyways, I am announcing some new plans I am going to do with my blog this year *drumrolls*.... I am coming up with a new "segment" this year! I've always wanted to share places I've been to, or generally, all the good things in life, hence, I am coming out with a review section. Look out for posts about food, movies, products, places... Most adventures shall be documented here. This blog has been with me for years, ever since I was 16? 17? My first flight, product reviews, discounts etc was all written here and I guess it would be a good platform to share many reviews, thoughts, opinions etc here. CAN YOU SEE ALL THE ADVENTURES THAT I AM EXCITED FOR?! I really hope 2018 would be a great all-year round for me and for you and I hope I make that happen as well. We can't just talk and no actions right?

Anyways, I am going to do a super late review of Jumanji! IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCH IT PLEASE WATCH IT. 

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To cut it short, this movie was about four high school kids who got into detention. As you are a rebel teen, I guess you wouldn't do what you were supposed to do and so these kids discovered an old video game console. They were later on drawn into the game's jungle setting. In the game setting, they became the adult avatars that they chose and it was a heck of an adventure for them. In order to return to the real world, they'll have to survive the game and accomplish all mission until the end of the game, otherwise they'll be stuck forever or possibly die.

Movie rating: 4/5 ⋆⋆⋆⋆


I personally love the graphics and the acting. I must strongly say that their acting was so great and it's true a good movie needs good actors and actresses. Although the story line is kind of cliche, I like the life lessons that the movie brought upon. First of all, do not spend too much time gaming. Haha. I am an avid gamer myself, and yes, we need the balance in life. Second, sometimes, not everyone judge you in this world. Don't think too much of what others think of you because sometimes you are just feeding yourself with negative thoughts. (this is actually a reminder for myself too >.<) Third, always get to know someone before talking about them. Even so, know them well, get to know the good side of the person, because as humans, we always do have a good and bad side of us. We are not perfect after all and I cannot stop emphasizing how imperfect we are. We just gotta make sure the good is more than the bad. :) 

Next, I love how the female characters supported each other and became best friends after. We need to support each other and stop hatred. Seriously guys, its the way of living peacefully and in harmony. Furthermore, NEVER EVER LOOK DOWN on others. We've seen how the main lead wasn't a cool guy in school, wasn't strong, not sporting... But hey, look who's the main character? Also, this movie emphasized on how we all have our strengths and weaknesses, we all have to work together to put the strengths to good use in order to proceed in life. I think that is one of the major take home message I've received from this movie. I like how the movie taught us to find our purpose in life, questioning what do we want to do, and how to make it happen. I am still in the midst of searching for myself, loving myself as who I am, just being myself, and trying to believe that I am as unique as everyone. So, this movie kind of gave me a little push and motivation to find myself and for me to be comfortable in my own skin. Other than all these, I love how they incorporate humor with action and all the emotions in this movie. So it wasn't very stressful in the sense of "kan-cheong" (anticipation? - I can't find a good word to replace this) while watching it. It was very relaxing and I was super immersed into the movie. Lastly, NICK JONAS is in the movie, what's not to watch?!


{#NO.38 -Close at Heart! Para11el Tumblers! + Discount Up For Grab}

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Hey guys! I am back! Today I would like to share with you guys the new in-thing of the year Para11el Tumblers! Come on, I am sure most of us love looking at aesthetically pleasing tumblers and buying them especially those coffee and tea lovers. Besides, pairing up your stylish outfit with a great tumbler, the quality of the tumbler plays a major role. Don't you just hate it when you have a great looking tumbler, but it doesn't keep your drink hot as it should or cold as it should be for a long period of time?!

Well, fret not guys and girls! Para11el tumblers allows your hot drinks to stay hot to a maximum of 24 hours! Plus, they are made of pure SUS304 stainless steel. No linings, 100% pure stainless steel! These steels are chemically inert and resistant to corrosion. So, it ensures that you will not be taking in those nasty corroded metals into your body. *Yuck!*  Plus, you know how there's always this bad and horrible smell to your new/old water bottles or tumblers that can affect the taste of your drink? Para11el assure you that you will not be having such bad experience anymore!

What's next important to having a non corrode tumblers? Of course, toxin free and BPA free tumblers! Who would want to be drinking in toxins right? Para11el tumblers are 100% BPA free and toxin free. The lid of the tumbler is made up of heat and cold resistant Plastic Polypropylene (aka Silicone). Not only the materials used are BPA/BPS free, non-leaching, and toxin free. Para11el ensures its customers health by making sure that their stainless steel and plastic parts in the tumblers DO NOT contain any heavy metal or harmful plasticizer.


In conjunction with Christmas 2017, Para11el just launched their Christmas Edition tumbler Close at Heart up for grab! Every tumbler are designed with love and shares a special message to all. Para11el aims to deliver the warmth within to their customers with their specially designed tumblers. This time, close at heart speaks to us about being further apart from each other especially at times of holidays, where many of us, are not privileged to be together with our loved ones. It could be due to studies, work, or in matter of fact just the distance it self. Close at heart tumblers aims to bridge the gap of our hearts even though we could be miles apart. Watch the cute video below:


Close at heart comes in two colors to fit the Christmas theme - Red / White.

Don't they look amazing! So, if you are planning to get a tumbler for yourself, or anyone, or you just haven't think of any Christmas presents to give out, GO GET PARA11EL TUMBLERS AS A GIFT TO YOUR LOVE ONES. I am sure they would love it!


Write a special message to your love one! Spice things up with Para11el's special coded message. Para11el  have created 26 symbols which represents the 26 English alphabets. You can always request a message delivery for your love one / yourself. Which will all be coded and crafted individually specially for you!

WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Head on to Para11el websites to check out their products now!

Lastly, don't forget to key in PROMO CODE: LYNNWONG upon checkout to receive RM15 off your purchase! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE AND MAY YOU HAVE A MERRY AND BLESSED CHRISTMAS! 

# NO.37 {Beauty Review - Dirty Benefits + 10% Discount Code }

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Hello readers! It has been awhile since I have wrote a post. Plus, if you come by often you would've realize that there has been changes on the blog layout as well as the URL. So don't forget to bookmark the new URL - :DIn today's post I am spicing things up a little by sharing about one beauty product that has been amazing to me. If you know me well enough, you should probably know that I am not a coffee person because as much as coffee lovers drink coffee to stay awake, I am the weird one who drinks coffee and falls asleep soon after. Rather than being a fan of drinking coffee, I have been using coffee on my BODY. Yes, you didn't read that wrongly. Just recently, I have included Dirty Benefits (DB) Coffee Scrub into my skincare regime. For months, I have come across this product on Instagram and seen my friends, as well as many beauty bloggers raving about this product. People who know me well would probably know that I am not born with a flawless skin. I have been having problems with acne as well as acne scarring ever since high school and over time as I get into my 20s it just worsens. In order to battle my skin issues I decided to give Dirty Benefit's Coconut Confession Coffee Scrub a try.

Dirty Benefits (DB) is an All-Natural skincare brand created for the bold, adventurous, and those who just love to get down and dirty. ;) As most of you would know, there are many types of scrubs available on the market these days, so what makes DB scrub different from the other products out there? The answer would be in the heart of the scrubs, the ingredients. DB does not use any chemical in their products, which means, no parabens and all the other harmful chemicals! DB provides a few options of Coffee Scrubs. Currently available are the Classic Obsession Coffee Scrub, Coconut Confession Coffee Scrub, and the recently launched Mocha-Cocoa Coffee Scrub. All of their products are available on Dirty Benefits Website, read on for more details of the product.

Main Ingredients Used in DB Scrubs

  • DB uses 100% Arabica coffee grounds as their main exfoliate ingredient. Caffeine from the coffee grounds stimulates blood circulation, draws water out from skin cells and leaves the skin feeling smooth and toned. Furthermore, caffeine helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite, eczema, stretch marks, age spots, acne, scars, and psoriasis.
  • Other than that, Organic Cane Sugar, Raw Brown Sugar, and Himalayan Salt works as a great exfoliator and detox to remove dead skin cells and minimizes pores.
  • Cold Pressed Avocado Oil helps in increasing collagen production which is important for keeping the skin looking young, smooth, and plump.
  • Cold Pressed Coconut Oil are great for hydration and moisturizes the skin, for the baby soft and smooth skin
  • Pure Grape Seed Oil works to lock moisture in to avoid drying out skin and to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
How To Use
  1. Get wet in shower.
  2. Take a few scoops of the scrub (according to how much you need, usually 1 spoonful is enough for my entire face and body). Pat them onto your skin.
  3. Gently rub and massage the scrub in circular motion, focusing on the problem areas of your skin.
  4. Leave on to dry for around 10-15 mins and finish with a rinse.
 * It is recommended to scrub your skin 2-3 times in a week.

Personal Review
After giving it a try I can definitely say that this product did what it claims to do. I am so in love with the product as it has helped me improve my skin condition and leaves me with a softer and smoother skin after each use. Other than face acne, I have also suffered from a little of back acne and this scrub gets rid of the problem in a jiffy! Not to forget, the scent of the coffee is so calming and relaxing!

However, the only downside of this product would be the scrub is a little harsh on the skin, hence it is important to be careful when scrubbing. Plus it should be caution to not overuse the scrub more than recommended. As for me, the scrub does not give me any issue which is good news. Although, the scrub can be a little too harsh, adding a little bit more water helps the scrub to glide smoothly.

Product Rating«««««

Would I Repurchase? : Yes, definitely!

Get the #DirtyBenefits Experience at:

Here comes the fun bit, those who are interested in this product will be getting a 10% discount off on any DB product, just key in my promo code when checking out!

Dirty Benefits Coconut Confession Coffee Scrub
  • Price: RM72.00
  • Volume: 220g
  • Where to Buy:
  • PROMO CODE: DBxLynn10 

*code valid till 31st May 2017*